The Gene Keys are transmission on the archetypes first discussed as hexagrams of the ancient Chinese I-Ching. They offer windows of insight into the essences inherent in oneself and the world around us.
The Gene Keys stand alone, much like the I-Ching. You don’t need to know ‘your’ Keys to work with these wisdoms.
However, born out of Human Design, a Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile uses the same birth information as a Human Design chart, rendered into a different visual representation & evaluated from the heart, instead of with an intellectual “reading”.
A journey through your personal patterns and sequences via the Gene Keys wisdom is profound. The various pathways in a profile illuminate how we relate to ourselves, to others, to money, to our destiny and to the world in which we live.
The Gene Keys can be used as a framework for exploring and transmuting the core wounding, shadows, triggers and suffering inherent in us all. They also offer insights into purpose, passion, destiny & the evolution of consciousness.
victoria and Gene Keys
Victoria has been around the Gene Keys from the very beginning, since she was 17. She received one of the first Venus Sequence readings on her 18th birthday from Richard Rudd; the man who developed the Gene Keys and the sequences layered into the Hologenetic Profile.
Victoria has worked with and held the wisdoms of the Gene Keys, and her own personal Keys, since that time. This knowledge transformed her relationship to the struggles she faced during her illness and has informed much of her work within coaching and supporting others. And whilst there were several things Victoria knows were essential to her survival, being held by the wisdom of the Gene Keys, Richard personally, and the Gene Keys community she came to know in Devon during her illness, was one of them.
Without speaking specifically of Gene Keys, archetypes and sequences, the truths held within the Gene Keys have always permeated her work. The Gene Keys are a powerful, mystical wisdom - and a contemplation on human suffering, as well as healing. It is because of these teachings that Victoria looked at the symptoms of illness through the lens of trauma, fear, inner struggles and the conflict we, as humans, have within our lives.
Over the years, Victoria has brought the study of biochemistry, physiology, psychoneuroimmunology, genetics and nutrition into her world but has always seen the connection back to the energetic, and consciousness. Her gift is the interweaving of these systems of knowledge: translating the energetic into the practical - or scientific, the metaphysical into the physical, and the archetypes of the Gene Keys into the lived experience.
the integrated use of gene keys wisdom
Victoria has always known the power of inner work to transform health, wellbeing, wealth and happiness - but also grasped that it is essential to have the foundations of physiology to create the space and stability to process the inner realms. Victoria does offer standalone Gene Keys Sessions, but also incorporates the wisdom of Gene Keys into her coaching container work.
Gene Keys Sessions aren’t “readings”, though Victoria will happily walk you through your sequences and patterns - in particular, the Venus sequence, which speaks to our triggers and wounding. From there, Victoria will guide you on how to utilize this wisdom in your world right now - and then your unique journey through your witnessing your Keys within your life will unfurl as the process evolves within you.