STEPPING INTO MY ROLE AS A COACH - and an offer for you
How To Heal From Orthorexia, Part 2: Orthorexia in Chronic Illness - Where Health is a Legitimised Obsession
AIP, Autoimmunity, Functional Medicine, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Motivation, Nutrition, Thought ProvokingVictoria FentonAIP, chronic illness, disorder, orthorexia, paleo, restriction
Is It All About Food?: Part 2 - My Personal Story and "Healing Journey"
Autoimmunity, Digestive Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Motivation, Nutrition, Thought ProvokingVictoria Fentonalert, eds, immunity, mcas, POTS, stress, threat
Listening to Your Body With Chronic Illness and Autoimmunity
Functional Medicine, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Motivation, Thought ProvokingVictoria Fentonanxiety, autoimmunity, body, chronic illness, fear, immune system, listen, paranoia
How To Handle Multiple Diagnoses - Histamine Intolerance, POTS, Gluten Sensitivity & So Much More...
Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Motivation, Thought ProvokingVictoria Fentondiet, histamine, information, multiple diagnoses, POTS, restrictive diet
The Diets Do Work - Just Not For Everyone
Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Health, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Science, Thought ProvokingVictoria Fentondiet, diets, failure, food, food phobia, ketogenic, Nutrition, pain