Unveil Podcast Episode 40: Human Design Deep Dive

If you have ever wondered what having a Human Design Deep Dive with a true professional (of over 20 years experience!) looks and feels like, this week’s episode is for you. Especially for any Manifestors, especially Emotional Manifestors. This week, Victoria Fenton gives you a window into how her mind works. She explains the full background to the Human Design Bodygraph, along with her trainings with Ra Uru Hu… and then she launches into a full, and immersive, explanation of her friend and Unveil colleague Brace Harris.

Now, Victoria has obviously given Brace overviews before - but she has never actually given him the Deep Dive immersive experience that people benefit from when they work with her directly. As you will witness, Brace has multiple insights into the way he’s been conditioned to behave, and how to move differently through the world from now on.

This isn’t just about Brace’s design, however. Victoria provides a window into:

- Profiles

- The 4 Types

- What the auras of Human Design are all about

- Why this is about “Decision Making”

- The nature of openness

- The instinct of the Spleen

- Emotional Waves

- The not-self strategies which breathe uncertainty into the way we move through life

- How openness, profile lines and planetary information can create conflict - Informing as a strategy - Design Envy

- 7 Year Deconditioning (is it really necessary?!)

- The relationship between Human Design and Gene Keys - Summer School and what Victoria is going to be teaching on Gene Keys this August for our course attendees And Victoria also shows you what Human Design is trying to achieve - the orientation to body awareness, and those who can get to “deconditioned” WITHOUT knowing their Design. If you’ve ever wanted to witness what it’s like to watch someone weave with the archetypes of the Ancient I Ching and talk about a Bodygraph in a way that makes it come alive - THIS is the episode for you.

Brace’s chart image is here (though watch on YouTube for a better experience this week):

Mentioned in this podcast:

Victoria's Human Design Services now hang out at Unveil Human Design

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Want to work with Brace or Victoria (or both!), email reachout@unveilenterprises.com

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