Did 5G Cause Coronavirus?

This originally appeared a a 3-part set of posts on Instagram. I realised from there that long-form content always belongs better on a blog, so am reposting it here. This is the updated version of the posts which was edited when a few key people didn't actually grasp that I wasn't criticising them.

TL; DR (also realising I should put one of these on ALL my work! For those non-start-up/techie peeps this is "Too Long; Didn't Read" - it's basically the Cliff Notes version of the blog itself):

Talking about "Cause" is a loaded term when addressing the medical community. Talking about 5G sensibly is definitely appropriate: it is an unknown entity and the data on it keeps getting hushed up.

HOWEVER, unscientific yelling which conflates 5G agendas with "attempting to convince us the world is round" and "Bill Gates wants a mass cull of humanity" is not a way to advance an argument.

And yet, both 5G AND Bill Gates' agenda may have some part to play here. There's grains of truth... they're worth investigating. AND YET, the point of this post is about how to ensure a conversation gets had. Currently, linking 5G to Covid-19 in ways that are ridiculous (alongside the ones that are plausible), saying viruses are fictional (umm...) and that governments are trying to repress us in the same way they do when telling us the world is round (🤷🏼‍♀️) is preventing decent debate about something that might be hugely important (5G, the political agenda, private investor agenda, vaccine agendas).

The Long Read

1 - If a person claiming 5G causes Covid-19 can’t explain what a virus is, they probably shouldn’t be trusted. The ‘biochemistry’ of viral infection in humans is more complicated than people realise (for a myriad of reasons, & we are CONSTANTLY surrounded by viruses)

2 - CERTAIN people saying 5G causes Covid are also saying viruses & communicable infections are ‘not real’ (partially explained in 2&3 of today’s posts, but more explored another day). In so doing they’re convoluting their own argument: how can 5G create or spread something that itself doesn’t exist?? 🙄 Anyone who strays into the territory of ‘viruses are fake’ I wouldn’t rate in terms of understanding either

3 - There are a LOT of correlations to 5G locations & the ‘outbreak locations’ of coronavirus (Wuhan was a “total 5G coverage” area) though cruise ships (also purported to have 5G/corona links) DIDN’T have 5G - they enabled WiFi at ‘normal’ frequency bands (new for cruise ships, not new frequency exposure)

4 - More correlations: previous upgrades in ‘G’ (increase in Hertz) have seen viral outbreaks occur swiftly on their heels

5 - & yet, ANY good scientist knows correlation is not causation: so the above 2 points are moot. & viral progression/mutation occurs as immune systems master defence against original viruses. This could have happened synchronous to “G upgrades”, but isn’t synergistic 🤷🏼‍♀️

6 - Aaannnddd yet, every good science-based professional knows truth doesn’t start with RCTs so we have to start with THEORIES. In that case, maybe points 3&4 are worth looking at???

THE MOST IMPORTANT BIT IS: persuading people to look at the potential impacts of 5G is NOT achieved by manically screaming ‘5G caused a virus that doesn’t really exist, you’re all being brainwashed by a political agenda &/or Bill Gates (or BOTH) who want to create a vaccine against a virus… that doesn’t exist'...

ESPECIALLY when people are dying. It's NOT a way to get a discussion on the agenda. It invites ridicule & risks any legitimate concerns about 5G being washed away in the mess.

Nobody can attest (yet) to 5G's role in health issues. We don’t have the data. Journalists are WILFULLY misunderstanding the naysayers arguments, saying people are idiotic enough to think that Covid-19 is spreading ON the RF waves or something 🙄That's not what they're saying.

The argument is that 5G undermines biology, either risking contraction of infections at higher rates OR risking oxygen deprivation & creating symptoms which map to Covid-19's (here is the 'there is no virus at all'. argument).

So can 5G alter us in a way that is detrimental?⠀

I have done a deep dive into the data over time. The thing is, it keeps disappearing. Every time someone yells about this, they get de-platformed. Every time a video points out information about firms objecting to mass rollouts, info gets put behind a paywall.

So: there are MECHANISTIC reasons to be suspicious re: 5G. But no ACTUAL DATA. Data about 5G & Covid-19? Non-existent.

BUT if you’ve read to here, maybe you’re interested in learning more about WHY PEOPLE ARE SUGGESTING THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE? Maybe you want ACTUAL INFORMATION not shrouded in agenda?

So here we go: though unfortunately for those who want simple solutions, this IG trio isn’t going to give you one. But keep reading. I am going to use VERY SIMPLE explanations. Scientists: don't denigrate this for simplicity. Your complexity creates confusion, K?

5G uses frequencies 'faster' than we've previously been exposed to. This comes with various influences on cells: it can vibrate them faster. But these faster frequencies' ability to penetrate surfaces is lower & the breadth of the RF beam is narrower.

The speed makes 5G great for data transfer. The penetration/narrow band makes 5G less great - transmission requires a LOT of power, & a LOT of masts for coverage.

Vibration speed is what may affect health: vibrating cells at 60Hz causes oxygen molecules to change behaviour in the cell: an unknown for human biochemistry...

And there’s a host of other unknowns too: reduction of intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species etc. (& more, not going to list all the theories).

But narrower, faster frequencies have been shown NOT to penetrate skin. So mechanistic impacts may not apply?

Those pro-5G say the 'general wash' of 5G RF from 6-60Hz will have less impact because of the narrow bands/lack of penetration.

The argument from those anti-5G varies. But it stems from the basic fact that WE HAVE NOT STUDIED 5G OUTSIDE A LABORATORY SETTING. We do not KNOW the influence of swimming in a soup of these frequencies.

Additionally, many places won't actually GET to 60Hz immediately - we'll be in a sort-of slightly lower range for a bit: another unknown.

I'll be super-honest, people getting de-platformed does start to lead to suspicion. It suggests government kickbacks, but I don't think it suggests burying of data (😉). Truth is that we cannot study something that is not yet reality: the long term, low level, constant exposure from 5G masts as they pump out more and more of their RF beams to transfer more and more data over time. In other settings, would the 5G stuff have got this far given the preliminary/lab data? Who knows... and WE CAN'T TELL when it keeps going awol on us, and white papers from RF research teams get 'rewritten' or re-released very swiftly after previous versions and the originals disappear... (?)

But that said, I think the Covid-19 thing will hurt those who are worried about 5G. They have linked respiratory symptoms with oxygen changes in cells. They state that identification of 'viral presence' is coincidence. This doesn't explain the mass of cases where people are dying with coronavirus present, with identical (or incredibly similar) symptoms, in countries with NO 5G.

It may be an uncomfortable truth that some things are coincidence. Wuhan (remember, 5G area) also had a large population of elderly gentlemen who smoke. & as far as I can tell, 5G is still on there... & yet death tolls are dropping. I am SURE someone will tell me that 'their bodies have got used to the frequencies' - but show me: CAN you "get used" to cell vibrations causing oxygen not to get into cells?

I would LOVE for us NOT to play a vibrational frequency experiment on humanity. For more reasons than oxygen... human beings are electromagnetic, I genuinely don't love it when our frequencies are disturbed.

But with Covid, I think 5G objections FROM SOME have been conflated with worrying sidebars & bad arguments. This has invited ridicule & scorn & I worry this has set back a genuine & necessary conversation considerably.