Reactivity, Immune System Health, Mast Cells & Covid-19
I have personally found this week incredibly difficult, as I am sure every single one of you reading this has.
Please keep reading this article - towards the end I share my offer to my community and those that may need my services during this pandemic.
I have a slightly different viewpoint on Covid-19 than many others in my profession. I am supremely aware of the impacts of the virus itself, and have done all that I can to keep up with the emerging data as it is released. I have spent time tracking down relevant science on the virus and its influence on human physiology. I know the facts - and the ways to support the human body through this, as best we know how right now. And with my background in pharmacology I also grasp the interactions people are talking about with various drugs etc. It's a complex and ever-changing picture.
But I have also invested energy and attention on the media. Not only on the virus reporting - but also on the conspiracy theories, the myths, the questions over 5G and mysterious China-government experiments that have permeated the interwebs through the last few months.
And yes, I have my own reality of how this virus is affecting my life - with several relatives having very important medical situations that have to go ahead DESPITE viral lockdowns, getting stranded in South Africa without anything that I need - and huge amounts of money lost on flights, phone bills and visa extension processes...
The reason I do ALL of this is because, for me, Health is never one-dimensional. This isn't just about who gets the virus or not, and how to supplement to support your Health whilst there is a virus going around. This isn't just about the behavioural psychology or the mental costs of social distancing practices.
What I have tried to keep track of most in the last few weeks is the fear that this virus is bringing with it. Why? Because fear undermines Health and resilience like nothing else. And because - for my patient population, those with Mast Cell Activation and Histamine issues - it is fear and uncertainty which universally makes symptoms worse.
Every day in my practice I coach people with underlying immune dysregulation. I do this without using specific dietary tools or 'Autoimmune Protocols'. I do this using explanations and reframing techniques, enhancing understanding and educating around the reason behind immune dysregulation.
This means that whilst a patient might come to me with multiple sensitivities, I am always working from the perspective of understanding why they have 'lost tolerance' to things - NOT in constructing a life which avoids everything they are sensitive to.
EVERYTHING about what I do is about recalibrating my patients sense of safety, security and certainty. Because it MATTERS. To my reactive patients, yes. But actually they are just an extreme. This matters to EVERYONE.
And this is why my email inbox has been flooded. My patients, after weeks/months/years trying to feel safe in this world again and to allow their nervous and immune systems to reset around a different level of alertness, have been so completely panicked by the spread of this virus. And the spread of the fear around this virus. And the sheer NOISE of everything we are confronting every day with this virus.
And for me personally, I have witnessed the direct impacts this stress has had on my conditions. Symptoms that were dormant for years have cropped up. Thoughts from my old mindset have crept in. And yesterday, in the midst of my own personal crises, I could not get myself into a place of positivity.
However - I am so blessed to have done so many rounds with my body - and to have been exposed to Health-promoting systems from all angles - that I can, eventually, find my equilibrium again. And I have. But with this global pandemic not going anywhere soon, I don't expect to retain that indefinitely. I am lucky to know all of the tools I have to bring me back to balance again.
And then this week the cancellations started coming. People who are facing job insecurity and uncertainty emailed me to say that they could not afford their booked appointments - or could not consider spending money there when the future of this crisis is so unknown.And so I have taken a decision.
To ALL of my existing patients - even if you saw me years ago - I am offering half price consultations with me to chat about Coronavirus. From any angle you want: self-isolating, immune regulation, family care, self-protection, how to re-augment your nervous system with the level of fear that's in the world, spiritual acceptance of this thing. Whatever it is that's stressing you, do not make 'I can't afford it' a reason not to book an hour of my time. I'll keep this offer open for as long as your country is going through any form of lockdown/special measures by your government.
To ANY NEW PATIENT with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome OR Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (any of these conditions, you do not need to have EDS, or have all three) - you are my people and I can help. Not just with virus stuff - but you're often the people who were dealing with increased nervous system tension and immune reactivity dysregulation BEFORE this whole thing started. So for anyone with a diagnosis of (or a suspicion of) these conditions, I am offering 25% off my Initial Consultation fees. No less of a service - you will ALL get my extensive 11-page EDS/nervous system primer, you will ALL get recommendations for how to build a support system in your local area. You just get a bit of money off if you need it.
And this bit is the important bit. If you need it. If you can afford to pay my full fees, you are welcome to do so. Any of my existing patients will know how genuinely generous I try to be. But this is my business and my livelihood - and so many of my friends and colleagues are working so hard to provide a level of quality service. But we do need to keep ourselves and our families safe.
Every single one of the people I consider as part of my network would do their work for free if they could afford to. Some may ask why I'm not just giving free consultations out at a time like this. Well firstly, it's not legal to do so. But secondly, and most importantly, the truth is that I cannot afford to. I could justify and explain that, but there is no need. My Health journey took more funds than I had, and I'm still paying off the debts. It's why I know this stuff gets expensive - so I am doing, and will continue to do, what I can. To push myself into debt would challenge MY nervous system and mean I cease to be able to do this stuff at all.
If you want to take advantage of any of these offers - email me today or WhatsApp my clinic number on +44 7723 817 832
And if you want to discuss payment plans, deferred payments etc. etc. - I'm all ears just get in touch. As long as the work I do feels like a fair energy exchange then it's absolutely correct for me to do it.Stay Healthy all of you. And whatever you can do to find your centre and sense of safety - please do.